God’s Plan for Reaching the Nations

Changes Old to New Testament Explained Changes Between the Old and New Testament Changes Regarding the Land Changes Regarding the Use of the Sword Changes Regarding the Temple God’s Plan for Reaching the Nations Contrasts: OT Nation and NT Communities The Paradigm Shift Helpful Links Contact Page Statement of Faith ....... Documents & Images to Download Download God's Word ///// God Wants to Strengthen You Restoring Your Relationship with God Daily Exercises for Spiritual Renewal The Cure of Evil-Speaking, by John Wesley Half-Hearted Lovers


On God’s Plan for Reaching the Nations....



Freely Gathered Communities of Faith and the Changes between the Testaments by M. A. Erickson (Wipf & Stock 2019).



"The change from the OT nation of Israel to the NT communities of faith had a crucial pragmatic dimension when viewed as the development of God’s plan for reaching the nations. The NT communities of faith were the new strategy, the new societal unit that would become the vehicle for the message of Christ and the work of spiritual transformation for God’s people as accomplished by the Spirit of God among the nations. The physical realities of land and sword, circumcision, food laws, ceremonial laws, and enforced civil laws, while necessary for God’s purposes in protecting the integrity of Israel as a nation over many centuries, are set aside for the next stage in God’s plan..." (p. 113)


Excerpt from:

Freely Gathered Communities of Faith and the Changes between the Testaments by M. A. Erickson (Wipf & Stock 2019). The book is available in print or Kindle formats at:

 Freely Gathered Communities of Faith and the Changes Between the Testaments at Amazon.com)




For another recent book by M. A. Erickson which explains God's plan for reaching the nations and a number of additional changes in strategy from the Old to New Testament, see also:


Key Connections: Understanding the Changes from the Old to New Testament by M. A. Erickson (Wipf & Stock Dec. 2023). The book is available in print or Kindle formats at Amazon.com, at:

 Amazon.com, Key Connections: Understanding the Changes from the Old to New Testament


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Painting Above: Christ wearing the crown of thorns, supported by Angels, by Annibale Carracci, 1585 a.d.